Here is the meaning of today word from webster online dictionary:
1. Biographies / Xanthippe F, Greek, MISC: wife of Socrates) the wife of Socrates, proverbial as a scolding and quarrelsome woman
2. Any nagging, peevish, or irritable woman

When I was in my teen age years, I did not really like my mother for she always nag at me at home. She was Xanthippe to me and she still is. Our favorite topics at that time would be why I could not study more, I should be playing games less, I should be sleeping earlier etc…
Then I stumble upon this quote:
If you have never been hated by your child you have never been a parent. ~Bette Davis
Then I guess, my mother is a parent. And I also found out that most mothers are a Xanthippe. In most of the teenagers’ point of view, I guess…
I was also told that nagging is a way to show their love.
Anyway, it will be Mother’s day soon…
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