31 August 2008

Superlongqueue at Supermarket!

I am now in my home city… For Ramadhan and Eid. After few years spending Ramadhan and Eid so far away from my family and from the festivity of Malaysian Eid style… It does feel good to be back, fasting with my family…

Thus, I went to the supermarket today to buy some stuff with my cousins and my siblings. I missed the feeling of walking in a supermarket, superpacked with people in the weekend. You do not get those feeling at where I studied. When I said, superpacked, it really mean superpacked. It is superpacked that the chance for your body not to be bumped by other customer is nearly 97.69%. Meaning, somebody will bumped into you whether you want it or not. If the supermarket is superpacked with hot Malaysian female supermodels I do not mind at all…

Oh well, the superpacked part is not so bad if you compare to the superwaiting in the superlongqueue… And it really does not help at all when it is also superslow with supermanyworkeratthecashtill…

Back where I studied, the cash till will have only one person behind it. Nobody will help him to put the stuff in the plastic bags. He will also have to weigh any stuff that need to be weigh. Still the wait and the queue are not as long as forever. Make me really wonder…

If the supermarkets in Malaysia are making good money, how much more will they make if the really have good system? They must be superrich too by now… Maybe I should be the Manager and bring the supermarket up to the supermarket standard of the place where I studied… Should I?