02 January 2009

Happy New Year... I think...

Another New Year… So the human said. The Earth still goes around. The sky is still the same. The stars does not change place. The sun and the moon still on the same path…

As the clock strike midnight, nothing happened… The birds did not sing. No animals did any funny dance or did anything special in fact. The flowers did not bloom nor the trees turned gold.

For me, yesterday was another New Year. I had New Year on Monday already, in Muslim calendar. Soon there will be another new year, in Chinese calendar. That is just human way of keeping track of time. Just like measurement was invented to make human feel at ease on how small, how big, how long, how deep things are…

Human in fact are the only creature who celebrate this so called New Year. To the rest of the world and the other creatures in it, it is just another new day. Another day passed, another day coming. Another day to go and enjoy the world before everything you have is taken back…

So to all human who are using the Gregorian calendar, try to have a happy New Year. Hoping this year will be good to you, a happy year for you, giving you good experience, fewer mishaps and healthy life and live healthily…

Just another day to prove that I will be able to survive in this world…

1 comment:

JIM-san said...

Happy Muharam Abang!!