28 January 2009
That is not so nice...
I was told that, your intention will determine the outcome. Is it because I want reward for being nice that it does not become nice then? Then it is true, put your intention for the sake of your God then the nice intention you have is pure. Your God will determine your reward then.
Still, it does make you wonder, how some people can be so stupid or maybe you can also put it as ignorance. I am not complaining or having regrets for being nice, just that human can just be so plain evil…
I mean, if you had been nice to them, at least have the tendency to return something. Sometimes or you can say, most of the time, just by saying thank you is not enough. Give something in return, if the person always gives your things. No matter how small it is, they will feel appreciated.
If a person always cooks, or does the household chores or anything, at least help out, not just sit there watching and saying thank you. After a while those words, thank you, does not really carry the meaning very well. Do something to show that you really mean it.
There are people who live in this world feeling lucky that they have other people to do stuff for them. There are people who think these people are spoilt brats and do the chores or stuff, not exactly for them, but for the sake of their own comfort too. I mean, if you live in a house full of pigs, and you are not one, you will do something so that you are not one of the pigs too unless you are fine living in a pigsty later on…
These people said that one of the reasons they can do most of the works are because they have maid back home. So, why should they do work when they had already paid the maid to do them. To me this answer just tells me how stupid and short sighted they are… The maid is there to help. If by doing some of the works make you a better person, then you do not lose anything. These people will go out and buy stuff which half of the stuff the bought they do not really need. Yet they complain they will not get money their money worth if they do the maid job. How much more stupid can these people be…
Then again it is true, by being to nice you are not being nice to yourself. Other people do not really care whether you have eaten or not. Then why should you? Other people do not care to cook for you, then why should you? Like I said, being too nice is not too nice. It will just make people use you more for their own gain.
I have much to learn in balancing being nice. I feel sorry for people most of the time. Most of the time people do not feel sorry for me. Still I try to give my best and that prove to be my greatest weaknesses…
26 January 2009
Arise, Gundam 00! Combine with 0 Raiser!
Gundam Virtue which sometime is Gundam Nadleeh is standing proud in my room. O Raiser and the stand are ready. It is time to finish the last, Gundam 00!
One of my favourite Gundam because he wields swords, Gundam 00 is built for speedy melee attack. His twin swords are able to be turn into rifle for long distance attack when needed.
Compared to Gundam Exia, his predecessor, Gundam 00 somewhat lack in mobility. The head cannot be pushed far up. The wrists cannot go in and out. Different torso built from the Exia makes him suffer in doing poses that Exia can do easily. Gundam 00 cannot be pushed sideway. The way the torso was made also made it easily detached when you are not too careful.
Still, Gundam 00 design, which I thought to be too simple at first, is actually cool. Like I had mentioned before, the newer series model does not have lots of details to be painfully painted and inked. With minimal panel lining and painting, Gundam 00 is already looking awesome!
Combine Gundam 00 with 0 Raiser, they will form 00 Raiser, and like the anime, 00 Raiser looks sooooo AWESOME! Bandai seem to have this habit of making Gundam with some sort of wings, but it really does make Gundam 00 look nicer. The way Bandai make it connected to each other is really ingenious. It is easy to snap everything together and they stick firm too! A great thing when you need to move it around to get the poses you want. With a simple push and you have your Gundam 00 and 0 Raiser back.
The best thing about Gundam 00, his GN drives light up! At night, with all the light out, Gundam 00 is really a beautiful sight to behold. The switch buttons are also cleverly hidden so it does not protrude out and make the whole model looks ugly. Really nice work there Bandai!
Just after I bought Gundam 00 + 0 Raiser, Bandai announce the Gundam 00 Seven Sword… That one looks really nice too with his huge sword. I am a bit of big huge jumbo sword fan. An extra added feature such as lighting up the eyes as well will also add the cool factor. Another way to do it will probably be customising the Gundam 00 that I have now.
25 January 2009
And there will be four cats... Now...
So now he is pushing daisies in our garden, giving out his love through the plants that feed on him. May they will turn into beautiful plants as beautiful as his character…
To me he was just a cat but to my sister he was more than that. He was a dearest cat to her. Still he was just a cat to me. I felt sad he died but not really as sad as my sister but still I felt sad. Now there will be more food for the other cats in the house…
May my sister stay strong.
17 January 2009
Nadleeh and Virtue...
Then I was itching to put Gundam Nadleeh and Gundam Virtue together. So I skip Gundam 00 and straightaway do Gundam Nadleeh. Gundam Nadleeh is the simplest Gundam ever. Minimal assembly and you have a Gundam already.
Wish the hair of Nadleeh are made of different material though. The hair material should be something that you can bend around to make Nadleeh cooler. Might want to get some wires and turn it into Nadleeh’s hair. Another mini project for me…
Still need some colouring so as not to look so bland. One thing I noticed about the Gundam 00 first season series, they have lots of details. Not really complaining for it does make the Gundams look better and not to plain. A bit of hard and painful job but you will get a beautiful Gundam in the end.
I continued doing Gundam Virtue the next day. Heck lots of things to put together. As I put each pieces of armour on, my Nadleeh get fatter and fatter. In the end, I have Virtue standing in front of me. Nadleeh no more…
Virtue has less mobility. Could not have him do weird and extreme poses much because of his armour. Virtue could not do most of Gundam Exia movement. So basically, his pose will be simple but still look powerful and threatening.
His humongous gun is awesome but his arms could not really support the weight. So I had some trouble with him holding his gun in his poses. Later on, I settle with him just holding his gun pointing downward…
Lots of small details need to be colour for Virtue and I can already see long night ahead. Lots of pieces need recolour to have it close to the real thing. I will probably want to do the recolouring with an airbrush. Doing it with airbrush will give the armour pieces clean smooth looking surface. A feat that is quite hard to do with the normal brush. I am still new to airbrush, so I might not do it. Yet…
I do wish the yellow horn of Virtue is hollow and can be snapped onto the yellow horn of Nadleeh. I have to take Nadleeh’ horn off so that I can put Virtue’s on instead. The pinkish red line on Nadleeh’s head is also a troubling part. That line will be visible when you put on the Virtue’s armour. If a helmet is used instead, it will be better. An easy alternative is to get another Nadleeh… That idea had been playing a lot in my mind already. Then, with an extra model, I can customise Virtue’s horn and snap it on Nadleeh’s horn instead whenever I want it to be Virtue.
One of my favourite Gundam because of his element of surprise…
13 January 2009
Celestial Being Display Stands...
The display stands are not really difficult to assemble. This is also the first time I had to use screw and nut on a model. Only one screw and nut to tighten and strengthen the display holder… These are my first display stands for my Gundams. Never had one before but when I saw it in one of the online Gundam store, I really want it…
It will be great if Bandai is able to make display stands with other faction’s logo. Those display stands will be great for the other mobile suits. So far Bandai had produced only two mobile suits from the enemy side, Tieren and Overflag. Where are the Enact, the Flags, the customized mobile suits, the GNX, the GNX III, the GNX Ahead and Mr Bushido’s mobile suit Bandai? I hope Gadessa and Garazzo will make it to 1/100 scales… Heck! Even the Gundam Thrones are not in 1/100 scales yet! When will it be? Bandaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Still, the Celestial Being Display stands are cool for my Gundams…
00 Raiser...
I start off with 00 Raiser set first. I am just too lazy to build a Gundam yet so I start with the 0 Raiser. Truly a big change for someone who had only built Gundam models all this while. The result was exhilarating! Now I have a sleek 0 Raiser! Now I have to finish it off with some colours to make it exactly like the 0 Raiser in the series…
Not really difficult to put together. Took my time cutting the pieces as nicely as possible and sandpaper all the rough edges. Did not really do a good job at first and scratch some of the pieces while doing it… Luckily those scratches are hardly visible unless you have the eyes of Superman…
All in all, the 0 Raiser is good just need colours and panel lines to really look awesome possum! The display stand also included in the set. So that is the second thing I had finished with for 00 Raiser set. I had assembled three Celestial Being display stands before I start with the 00 Raiser set…
The 00 Raiser still need work to do. I will post the pictures of complete 0 Raiser as soon as I am done with it…
My Summer Project!
Those Gundam will be my summer project while I am not employed yet… At least I have something to do for a while. That while will be quite long for I am really going to take my time putting them together… And colour them as close to the real thing as possible. Painting them will be one heck of a job but the end result is very much worth the time doing so.
As I am really into the Gundam 00 series, I bought Gundam Virtue 1/100 scale and Gundam 00 with O Raiser set 1/100 scale!
So far, for me, the best Gundam series will be Gundam 00. Best fighting scenes, best Gundams design, best enemies design, characters are really good… In fact, it is the best Gundam series so far! The storyline really have some depth and full of surprises.
This will be one great summer…
04 January 2009
The three Paus...

Plain Pau and Chicken Pau went out to watch a sad movie together. At the end of the movie, Chicken Pau cried but Plain Pau did not cry.
Plain Pau has no filing!
The next day, Chicken Pau went to watch another sad movie. This time, Chicken Pau went with Kaya Pau. Chicken Pau, at the end of the movie, cried again but not Kaya Pau.
The two of them have different filing!
After that incident, a group of Kaya Paus went out to watch a movie in the weekend. Chicken Pau wanted to join their outing. However, Kaya Pau did not want Chicken Pau to follow them because Kaya Pau does not want to see Chicken Pau crying again. So, Kaya Pau rang up Chicken Pau and said...
"Sorry you can’t come. Hey, no hard filing eh?"
02 January 2009
Happy New Year... I think...
Another New Year… So the human said. The Earth still goes around. The sky is still the same. The stars does not change place. The sun and the moon still on the same path…
As the clock strike midnight, nothing happened… The birds did not sing. No animals did any funny dance or did anything special in fact. The flowers did not bloom nor the trees turned gold.
For me, yesterday was another New Year. I had New Year on Monday already, in Muslim calendar. Soon there will be another new year, in Chinese calendar. That is just human way of keeping track of time. Just like measurement was invented to make human feel at ease on how small, how big, how long, how deep things are…
Human in fact are the only creature who celebrate this so called New Year. To the rest of the world and the other creatures in it, it is just another new day. Another day passed, another day coming. Another day to go and enjoy the world before everything you have is taken back…
So to all human who are using the Gregorian calendar, try to have a happy New Year. Hoping this year will be good to you, a happy year for you, giving you good experience, fewer mishaps and healthy life and live healthily…
Just another day to prove that I will be able to survive in this world…