31 March 2011
Tomorrow is April...

30 March 2011
Musha Gekitou Gundam
29 March 2011
Jyokou Serpent on RAMPAGE!

When I said complete, it meant that I had finished putting it together and painted.
I was doing my SD soldiers military unit when I finished my Jyokou Serpent. I painted them before I put them together. When I look at it, I was like, “Hey they will make good props for battle field diorama!” Sure enough, when you arranged them on the floor, they look like fallen soldiers on the battlefield.
So I took photos of Jyokou Serpent stepping over the fallen soldiers…
Owh, and Jyokou Serpent although he is blue, is not in the same team with the blue soldiers…
15 March 2011
Raining… Acid?
Today I received an interesting text message from a concern and loving cousin of mine telling me that:
Fukushima power plant exploded at 4.30AM today. If it rains tomorrow or later, don’t go outside. If you are outside, be sure that you have rain protectors. It’s acid rain. Don’t let it touch you. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer. Please pass. Stay safe & remind everyone you know.
Thank you for showing that you care… But then again you should also check your resources before you spread information. I had read that, this text message had stir panic within Philippine community.
Rumors easily spread like wild fire with the help of FaceBook and Twitter to name a few. So nowadays, you should always and always check any information received before you take it and spread to other people. Wrong information can be disastrous to other people who act on it.
Here are some good tips on verifying information you get from internet.
Just a point to ponder, if such thing does really happen, should not we had the same news when Hiroshima was nuked in the World War II?
Pray that the country affected by Earthquake, especially Japan recently will stay strong and will have a fast recovery.
14 March 2011
The First Gundam of Mine…
10 March 2011
Special Month Ahead, APRIL!
I came across this special announcement from one of the blog that I follow for a while now, Open The Toy.
According to the information I gathered from the original source which is from Tossing It Out, we just need to blog from A to Z in April only on weekdays. That is a letter for each day, from the letter A until the last letter Z. Minus the Sundays in April that is 26 days for the 26 letters in the Alphabet.
I am considering joining this feat. I will let you know if I sign up for this event…
We had been given early notice to get ready for that month anyway so should not be much of problem.
07 March 2011
Add Me, Add Me!

As the technology moves forward, it seems that social etiquettes are getting rare and less.
Take FaceBook for example:
One of the reason why have a FaceBook account is so that I can play all the games, stalking cute chicks, sign up for all those stupid groups and campaigns, read whiny status every second, keep up to date with my friends.
It is also an amazing experience to be able to connect to your long lost friends.
Then we have these people who suddenly pop up, wanting to be your friend.

I should not have problem accepting these people as my friend if:
- They show their real picture of themselves. Some people love to put a group photo as their display picture. Then you have to guess which face belongs to the name that wanted to be added as a friend. Or we have people who like to put other people photos (usually artist, well known person
, favorite porn star, their beloved partner, their children, their pets etc). The worst display photo would be picture of cartoon or logo… Come on, what is the resemblance to your real look? Why can’t you just put your photo? After all you want people to easily recognize you. If you want to be so secretive, then whythe helldo you want to set up a FaceBook account? - They, at least, introduce themselves. Ok, alright, you do not have a recognizable photo to jog my memory of who you are. Your name also does not ring a bell… Then, WHY
THE HELLYOU CAN’T EVEN INTRODUCE YOURSELF? At least, tell me your name and just in case I probably have forgotten you, just a brief introduction of yourself, where we had met, how, when etc just so that I know whothe hellyou are if you want me to click the add me button…
If they do not fulfill the requirements I had put down as shown above, then, forget it, I am not interested to know or add you even if you have a cute chick in bikini as your display photo…
04 March 2011
Power Ranger’s MEGAZORD!

03 March 2011

1. Stay in one place only? Somehow the evil villains are stupid enough to focus only in one part of the world. And taking over that one place in the world is equivalent to the whole world… No wonder you guys are losers…

5. Have to wear their respective color even when they are not wearing their custom or Power Ranger form. Do they really like the color given to them or they are forced o wear that one color day in and day out? Pity them if that is the case…

So that was what running through my mind every time I watched the Power Ranger series…