Hmmmm… I forgot to follow the chronological order of the events leading to my wedding. Before the cards were made and sent out, we got engage.
I know what some people will say now, that everything was way too fast. And no people, no accident had happened or anything like that. Both of us just decided to get married as soon as possible so that we can love each other the halal way or according to Islam. Thus we try to keep everything as close as possible to Islamic ways as we were getting married.
We had been friend for quite some time now. I had asked her for possibility of us being together for the rest of our live somewhere nearing the end of 2012. Her answer was given somewhere in November and our parents approval were given in December.
We planned to get married a bit later in 2013 but decided to be engaged in late January. Anyway the wedding date changed and push earlier than what we had planned due to my sister’s wedding and my cousin’s wedding. We did not want to wait for too long as I had told you earlier…
Thus the engagement that we did was the simplest form that we could manage which was attended by only the closest relatives. It is necessary to do engagement in Islam and it is utmost important in Malay culture as well. The engagement is some sort of formal booking that both of us will be getting married. It is also the time where both families can see one another. Then we can also pinpoint who will be handling the next step which will be planning for the wedding and stuff.
Anyway, on our engagement day, I surprise my wife who was at that time wife to be, with a ring. Does not really sound interesting but the fact was I told her that I would not give her anything on that day. Just go to her house and wave hi… Or something like that…
Secretly, I had actually bought two rings, one ring for her wedding and the other for her engagement. I thought hard on how to bring the ring to her without her knowing what it is until the very last minute.
Then I came across the butterflies in the bottle idea over the internet. Then I thought the best way is to hide the ring in the branch with the butterfly holding it. Then when it is the right time, pull the butterfly with the ring and surprise her!
So I went out looking for the right branch. Luckily there were lots of fallen branches at that time.
Then I was going to follow the butterflies in the bottle idea directly. Unfortunately, with the branch that size, it did not really look that good.
So my mother then suggested a mini garden with lots of butterflies. Hey, that could work!
I googled for butterflies template, and choose the easiest to color using paint. No fancy illustrator programs used here. As our theme was going to be purple black and white, the butterflies were some sort of teaser to the actual event.
Did all the color matching, find the best design, and printed the butterflies on both side of A4 paper. I decided to use black and few shades of purple for the common butterflies and one white and few shades of purple butterfly as the ring holder. Cut them out and folded the wings. Used very thin wire and colored it black using permanent marker as their feelers.
My mother did the garden. Bought a decent basket for the sponges, tied them up with these thin wires to hold them down and used hot glue to stick the grass bits to the sponge.

Then we stick the flowers to the sponge… My mother did the whole flower arrangement. I only need to stuck the branch bit somewhere on the sponge and make sure it was hold securely to the sponge.
The top most of the branch, I made a hole just big enough to swallow the whole ring in it. That will be the ring hiding place. With double sided tape, I stick the butterfly and the ring together.
And the rest is as shown in the photo below…

It worked splendidly with my at that time fiancĂ©e. She was really surprise that she got a ring on her engagement! She thought it would be only the butterflies and the garden…