17 February 2011

Another Quick Lazy Pop up Card…

Seeing that I am still in the mood and the tools and papers still lying around, I decided to make another card but still using the same principal.

I printed out the letters I needed to make the words I wanted on the card. I used few different fonts for different letters.

Then I used my circles templates to draw circles for each letters. Some circles cover the letters completely, some are smaller than the letters and some partially let the letter burst through.

Stick them together with my glue stick, arranging them nicely so they could tuck into the card nicely…

This can be done rather quickly. Just randomly stick them together.

There you go, instant pop up card with customized greeting!

Then I just make a simple cover for the card and viola!

The card is done!

I made this card in less than 2 hours!

Pop up cards…

My last long weekend was the best so far. It was very relaxing and I
get to do a lot of stuff that I had not been doing for a long time.

I used to make lots of pop up cards before I enter University. I am not really keen with the normal cards because these cards are… normal… plain… boring…

Well to me that is…

So I am more into the pop up cards.

I was inspired by this pop up card design I stumble upon from here.

Since it will be a long weekend, I was itching to make pop up cards again.

Because the design is too plain for me, I decided to use other design but still follow the original layout. Since I loved Megaman Zero art work so much, I had incorporated one of the designs from the art book that I have into my card. I used the Cyber Elf design to replace the angel. Here is the little Cyber Elf drawn in pencil...

These were the tools used to make the card. I forgot to put in my glue stick and
scissors. I used embossing tool to make the card fold nicely.

At first, I wanted to just draw the Cyber Elf onto the white card and cut it out just like the original design. It looks to plain, plus the color painted was not striking enough for me.

So I chose to break the design into smaller parts using different colored cards. Now I do not have to the coloring and the color is nicer. Just that I have to cut small pieces...

Half way making the card, I remember someone who is heartbroken. I changed the heart design into broken heart. Now I am going to make the Cyber Elf fix the broken heart by putting the broken pieces together.
Gluing the parts together and they are ready to be stick inside the card.

I used white ink pen to outline the Cyber Elves so the details will stand out. Use black marker for the eyes and crayon for their blushes...

I used a piece of card, as shown in the yellow circle below, to connect the two hearts together, so that they would pop up and stand up nicely.

Actually I want to leave out the wings for the Cyber Elf. Seeing that the Elves look plain and boring without their wings, I added the wings too. Now the elves look better.

My first pop up card for the year 2011…

Took me one day to finish it…

08 February 2011

Always Never…

ALWAYS and NEVER are the two words I hate to hear. This is probably because people around me always misused those words. Especially the adult…

Somehow, the adult loved to use them. Like for instance, say you had been doing all the housework and stuff for few days during Eid. You know, preparing the food, cleaning up the house and kitchen, serving the guests and entertaining relatives. Then, there this one day where you can get out for few hours, you know, taking a break after doing all that. Then when you get back, guess what the adult will say?

Why you ALWAYS go out when we need you here?
Why you ALWAYS leave the kitchen in such a mess?
You NEVER clean up after you.
You NEVER help in the house.

That should be enough… Anyway, how do you feel after working hard to please the adult and just because of few hours of getaway, you get bombard with all of that? That is one reason why I used to rebel and get really angry with them.

If they said that, then do not expect me to do all that because you said ALWAYS and NEVER. It meant, in my whole life, I had NEVER done all the work that the adult said. It meant, in my whole life, I ALWAYS do all that (in this case, all the stuff that they do not like us to do, such as going out and have fun, going to cinema, not cleaning up the house and etc.).

There are times I noticed, like what just happened recently, even if you just did it once, you will still get the ALWAYS and NEVER word. Is not that not fair?

I wish and how I wish the adult can be a bit more considerate when they talk. Look at past event, count how many time such event occur before you use ALWAYS and NEVER.

If you use ALWAYS, you are saying that I do it every day and every time. I ALWAYS breathe, I ALWAYS look at girls, I ALWAYS go online etc…

If you use NEVER, you are saying that I never do such thing in my whole life. I NEVER kill a person, I NEVER been to USA, I NEVER get married yet etc…

And the funny thing is, when the adult themselves use those two words among themselves; they do not like it either. My my my, I just wonder why…

02 February 2011

New socks…

You know it is time to ditch your current socks and get a new pair when it is not doing this anymore…

Sticking to your ankle.

I somewhat do not like to have my socks slipping down my ankle all the time. I really need to get new socks because it keeps on slipping down my ankle every few minutes. That mean I had been wasting few minutes of my precious time while wearing the socks to pull it up. Say if I wear the socks for like 8 hours per day and it keep on slipping down like every minute, and it takes me like 5 seconds to pull it up…

8 hours is 480 minutes. That mean I pulled up my socks for 5 seconds x 480 times which is 2400 seconds. Thus I wasted 40 minutes during my whole 8 hours working in the office just pulling up my socks. Don’t you just love math…

Anyway, to avoid wasting that precious minutes so that I can surf the net, write for my blogs, laugh at people blogs, search for Gundams or look for stuff to buy at Amazon be an efficient worker, I need to buy myself new socks. So there you go.

I don’t like to have my socks sliding down my ankle and rest underneath my feet sandwich between my shoes and my feet. The most uncomfortable feeling for my feet…