I started out with SD Gundams… Then during my secondary school years, I moved on to Gundams. During my school years, it was quite hard to buy Gundams and I depend heavily on my Raya income to buy a new Gundam. The only Gundams that were affordable to me were the High Grade (HG) Gundams with scale of 1/144. Most of the scale 1/100 Gundams were just dreams for me at that time…
During my diploma time, Gundam SEED was a craze. First Grade (FG) was also introduced to the world. FG was very cheap and perfect for my brothers who were just introduced to Gundams. I was not really interested with Gundam SEED line up anyway. That was until I caught sight of Gundam Astray Red Frame…
It was love at first sight!
Gundam Astray so far had been the most unique Gundam. Gundam Astray design was said based on Gundam Mudrock which I failed to see the similarities. I was awed by the details incorporated on Gundam Astray. The arms, the legs, the head are so much different from other Gundams. Back then, I was not yet into Gundam colouring and panel line drawing, but I was drawn into the details already…
Thus, after a long break from the world of Gundam (Need the money to buy other stuff i.e. girlfriends, comics, food blab la bla) I bought myself my first 1/100 scale No Grade (NG) Gundams which were Gundam Astray Red Frame and Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L. For the first time I assembled Gundams bigger than HG.
Having the models in my own hand deepen my love for Gundam Astrays. Astray Red Frame was so awesome with his Gerbera Straight and Blue Frame looked cool with his huge buster sword. My love for both robots and swords were beautifully packaged in those two models.
Then Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu was next in my Gundam Astray family. The gold plated was enough to make the already awesome frame beautiful. The black gloss amour and the unique weapon make her look awesome and intimidating. Gold Frame Amatsu right arm was taken from Blitz Gundam plus Blitz Trikeros shield. She is one heavily modified Astray.
Just last year, Astray Red Frame was made into Perfect Grade (PG) and after a week of thinking, I decided to preorder a model with a help of my good friend in
My Astray family keeps growing with addition of Gundam Astray Green Frame and Gundam Astray Gold Frame. Just recently, my cute brothers bought me Gundam Astray Mirage Frame. Thanks bros!
Green Frame was not really different from Astray original design and his only uniqueness lies in his weapon. Gold Frame was the original model before he was modified into Gold Frame Amatsu. Thus his armour is mostly white and gold as compare to Gold Frame Amatsu whose armour is in black and gold. Mirage Frame is able to transform into another mode and have his own samurai sword. His frame was also modified and made him look quite aggressive.
I had been quite lazy for these past few months and I had not even started with my PG! Yesterday, I decided to start on Gold Frame. With all the colouring and panel lining, I hope I will be able to finish him this weekend. I need purple and green too for Mirage Frame and Green Frame…
Probably colour my Red Frame, Blue Frame and Gold Frame Amatsu before I start with PG Red Frame…
I have lots of Gundams waiting to be built… Sigh… But colouring them and putting each part together are where the fun lies! I am patiently assembling each part after only carefully cutting them from the runners and sand paper or file the edge or cut stumps properly. Let not ruin the beauty of the Gundams! Even then, I do not believe in building the Gundam just for the sake of building it. It is quite sad to see bits and pieces of plastic stumps jutting out from the model…
I am also thinking of modifying my Gold Frame Amatsu into Gold Frame Amatsu Perfect Form where both of her arms are Blitz modified arms. The arms were modified to resemble Astray arms and in black and gold too. Probably need to buy another Gold Frame Amatsu and Blitz Gundam! Unless I can think of cheaper alternatives…
I am also thinking of getting two Astray Master Grade (MG) next year…
Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise MG is out and Bandai had announced Astray Red Frame Kai will be next Astray MG coming out in February next year. Wonder what differences will be in Red Frame Kai as it is also slightly expensive compare to MG Blue Frame…
We will get to see it soon I guess…
For now, finish my other Gundams! They had waited far too long in the box…