Yay! I have got a job! I am an engineer now! Well, sort of…

This stairs connect me from the real world to the world of working...
This is an excerpt from my offer letter on my job scope:
· To carry out workscoping such as site visits for onshore fields and offshore platforms.
· To follow every instructions from Supervisor/Lead Engineer during offshore activities.
· To execute technical aspects of particular project including all technical and QC reports.
· To be able to execute professional and high quality application/ hands on of company’s products for all the jobs secured onshore and offshore.
· Other tasks that may be assigned to you from time to time by the Top Management.
Okay then… In a way of speaking, I am working in oil and gas maintenance and repair company. Our job is to sell solutions to our clients’ problems.
My job… Hmmmmm…
Is to give the see the best solution to the problem, apply the solution and gives the best price for the solution. Sounds simple and easy right?
My job requires me to go offshore as well as onshore sites. There are more offshore sites though here in Malaysia. Just in case you do not know, when I say sites, that includes, oil and gas platforms, ships and tankers and whatsoever stuff related to oil and gas industry. As long as they need our solutions, we call them our clients and sites are our working area…
Not much of excitement just yet for me here in the company. The most exciting event so far was going for my safety offshore training course for three days. It is a must for anybody who is going offshore to g for this sort of training. There are more specific trainings according to the sites requirement that I need to do. If I have to go to those sites that is…
Currently I am stuck to my desk and laptop, doing reading and reports on my company main products or principles as they call it. Not as bad as my university time because I only need to read on the principles only and anything that is related to them for extra knowledge. I need to know the technical data as well as how the principals work.
My last boss did said, if I am to be an engineer, I should know the product, how it works, why it works that way as well as applying it. If I only know the product and applying it only, then I am at the same level of the technicians…
So, this is what the company is grooming me to be.
Preparing me to be an engineer. So that I can also helps the marketing department to do their presentations too. Any technical questions will be pushed to me… Another reason why I should know the principles very well…
Second stage of grooming is to get me to know the proper procedures when a client approaches me with a problem. I have to know what sort of information needed before I can accept or decline the project. If accept the project, then I need to know more information to initiate the project.

Door to world of... Hmmmmm... Boredom... For the moment that is.
Now, as my boss had warned me, my job is to draw up a project milestone, noting down stuffs and number of people I needed. Gives a prediction how long the project will be and how much the cost for this project will be.
When I did all that, everything will be at my neck. Anything went wrong will be pointing at me and my beautiful neck. I was also told that, as I will be working with projects involving oil and gas, any mistakes may cost terrible accidents and lives. These mistakes will also cause the company credibility and my credibility as an engineer. It will make the company harder to get a project in the future. It will also be harder for me to handle a project or worst case scenario; I might end up losing my job.
With bad reputation, it will be hard for me to find a new job as well…
I have to remember as well, the company is paying for other workers too. If I am out of job, I only have to worry about myself, unless I get married. The company has to worry about other workers and they have their own family to feed…
I gulped when I took all this in…
One of my lecturers said the truth back then in my university time:
To be an engineer, you have to be responsible for your work. All your calculations and methods must be correct as the end result will affect lots of people lives and money. In the real world, there are no correct answers to questions. The engineer has to come up with it, be sure that the answer is correct and apply it to the real world…
Anything happened; I am to be blamed…

My working desk... Dead or alive depends greatly on what I do here...
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