Here is where all of my Gundams were turned into beautiful Gundams! Just a small space where I can keep all the stuff I need and some space for me to work on my Gundams.
Shown in the pictures is the SD Gundam Military Unit that belongs to my brother. The three of us bought a Military set each. In each set, you have a Military Unit for the main three groups: The Dragon (Blue), The Phoenix (Red) and The Tiger (Orange).
One of my brothers chose Orange, the other chose Red and so I get the Blue units. The thing is, most of my SD Gundams are from the Phoenix…
Anyway, I can still use them as enemies for my SD Gundams dioramas.
Now to finish up my Military Units…
Around 80% are done. Maybe I can get to finish them this weekend…
The SD Gundam Bind really makes me interested in SD RX 78-2. I now have the urge to do some customization so that I may have a bigger SD RX 78-2 Bind.
It will also be interesting to see RX 78-2 Bind. Whether it will be in scale 1/100 or 1/144, surely it will be awesome. We are talking about the real RX 78-2 not the SD RX 78-2. Some serious customization here…
First thing first, we need to replicate the arm for 1/100 or 1/144 scale. The left arm had to be redesigned for the real size. Then next thing is to make the arm. I am very very new in this customization business. I will have to know what sort of material and the most important thing how to shape those materials into the left arm of the RX 78-2 Bind. That IS a challenge… Google time!
That also means that I have to sacrifice an RX 78-2 for this project. That shouldn’t be much of problem except that… It is very hard to find a 1/144 RX 78-2 here at my place. The only model available is a 1/100 RX 78-2 which quite pricey… Still I can just grab an SD RX 78-2 instead.
Another challenge here...
I was thinking, if I can pull this project off, the real size RX 78-2 Bind will sure look awesome! I was thinking of lighting up those evil eyes on him. Creepy…
RX 78-2 Bind has two red eyes. There is one eye on his face and the other eye on his left arm’s face. Thus, I also need to replicate an RX 78-2 face and stick to the left arm. Or maybe if I can get hold of some extra RX 78-2 faces…
To wire up an LED inside these small heads should be a pain… but the effect will be tremendous. Now, we have to figure out how to fit everything inside the model. You would not want wires to stick out of your model don’t you?
Other than the left arm, everything else should be easy. Just need to spray RX 78-2 black. That is all. Probably some splashes of dark purple as shown in the illustration of SD Gundam RX 78-2 Bind from the link here…
The dark purple is at places where it is originally red such as the feet, the hip, the shield and the fore head.
A real challenge indeed and should be a good start into the world of Gundam model customization for me…
Alice in Wonderland has been my favorite book for a long time. The films, I don’t really like them for they can’t really absorb the feeling of the book.
Contrariwise the new film looks promising enough that I decided to watch it at the movie…
The idea of finally getting to see one of my favorite characters Jabberwocky from the Wonderland is thrilling.
Horribly enough, it was not the film that spoiled the mood. It was some stupid moronic dudes sitting exactly behind me.
When they first came in, it is normal if you chatter around with your friends.
No problem there.
Then the curtain was raised and the show started.
Let the show begin!
Errrrr… Hold on, what was that I heard?
Those guys were still chattering! To make it worst, they were making remarks on nearly every action shown in the movie!
“She is going to fall…”
“So dangerous... Bla bla bla Nearly hit the piano... Bla bla bla”
“Nope, wrong door…Bla bla bla Use the key for... Bla bla bla”
“She is drinking it… Bla bla bla Later she... Bla bla bla”
And so on and on…
Hold on... Ask me why did I write ‘LOL’ up there…
Well, to be honest, for as long as I had lived on Earth, never had I dreamt of hearing people laughing but doesn’t sound like a laugh. Never had I actually dreamt that somebody on this Earth will not laugh like this:
Or “Ghehehehehehehe”
Or slightly muffled “Mphephephephe”
Those nerds actually laugh and said ‘LOL’!
They actually said ‘LOL’!
Here comes a funny scene… Now laugh!
What sort of laugh is that!?
I know LOL stand for Laugh Out Loud… But you don’t have to say ‘LOL’ when you laugh! Just laugh normally!
Not only they didn’t have movie ethics, their laugh was also pathetic!
I probably should have said something to them, but then I didn’t… Hmmmmm…
Anyway, I do hope that I will have a better movie experience next time. Hopefully I don’t get to sit in front of those dorks again.