07 June 2009

Hello? Helllllooooo...?

The greatest revolution in communication will be the mobile phone or also known as hand phone in my country. You can basically go anywhere in this world now and still be able to call anyone who is miles away from where you are, instantly. That is still magical for someone who lives 20 years ago even…

The greatest annoyance from this thing is not the phone itself, but how people use it. I have known few people who carry this thing around but hardly use it… Well, to me they appear not to use it much.

These mobile phones help us to communicate easily and instantaneously. It will be pointless then, if someone call you up and you do not pick it up unless you have a good reason for that. A really good reason too if that happens a few times. At least have the courtesy to return the call because if someone calls you up, there must be a reason. There must be a good reason to call you that he put aside few moment of his life and use up his calling credit to listen to your voice. Unless of course if he is a stalker, it is also a courtesy to pick up and answer the call…

Our phones nowadays also have the capability to text or sms, like what they call it back in my country. You can always write a message instead if you cannot call to ease the person annoyance from not being able to call you. It is just like I said earlier, courtesy. It is just like you are talking to someone. You would not like it if he did not give a reply and say anything even. You will even think that person does not like you even…

So, like I said, I do not really understand why, some people give out their phone number or to some, numbers, and when someone call them up, they did not even bother to pick up the phone or even return the call when they are able too. For sure, rude is one of it but to let that happen many times, that will be beyond rude. It is then a right for us to chuck that person phone away out of the window for why do he even need it for? At least, you can be rest assured that the person phone is gone, and forgive him if you cannot call him up…

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