19 December 2008

Ha... Ha... Ha...

We all need to laugh once in a while. You will be dull if you do not laugh at all. Even religion does not say it is a sin to laugh.

Some people are very good in making jokes or cracking jokes. They are the master of tickling your funny bone and are able to use anything or anyone from their surrounding for our amusement… But, there are times when jokes can be cruel and hurtful.

Over the years living in this world with humans, I found that, telling the same joke over and over again will make you a boring, uncreative person. Thus, try not to repeat a joke, no matter how funny it was, for more than three times to the same group of people. ANY jokes…

You can poke fun on one of your friends, about their hair, their clothes, their pets, their habits, their looks, their country, their home, their house, anything… But, every time you see them and you come up with the same stuff, it will not be funny and it will get on their nerve instead. That is when the time bomb starts ticking…

The first you crack that joke; they will be laughing with you. Second time, it will still be laughable. Third time, they will start praying that you will not use that jokes again.

If you cannot take the hint and still crack that same stupid joke, (By now, that cool funny joke will be degraded to stupid joke) be prepared to get polite laughter from your friends, with looks o their face wondering why you can be such an idiot and for some who are not really patient, might erupt and it will not be nice.

True, some of them might be considerate, trying to play along or appear not to be hurt by your joke, but by then, they will not be the same person again. I mean, if today, I told a friend of mine that he was not handsome, he can still take it as a joke. Do that for couple of days more, he might be mad with anger for the joke will now be a hurtful remark. You will be laughing but not him but you will not laugh long…

Use jokes sparingly or even better, try to come up with something new every time. At best, try not to crack jokes at personal appearances, certain habits, families, or other stuff that will lead to unhappiness later. If you have to, do not crack the same joke too often. Just once will be more than good enough. Let it be memorable in a good way…

There are times we learn the hard way that our jokes had scarred and impaired our close friends’ and families’ hearts…

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