16 October 2008

Whatever happened, happen for reason...

No matter what had happened… I still believe it happen for good reason. There are things I cannot see straight away but I was given the chance to rethink my next step and my next course of action before it was too late… I was saved many times over…

Guard your heart well, for if you lose it all then you will lose yourself. I nearly did that many times, over and over again. For friends who didn’t deserve that, for things that didn’t deserve that and for love that didn’t deserve that… I am thankful that I can still walk away without too much damage on both side of the party… I hope… And I think so…

No matter what happen… I still believe it will enrich our experience. Be thankful for what you had felt, there are people who might never had the chance to feel that. There are times that I think that people life and even mine are better than the best movies or dramas… Everyday events are just so exciting and to be part of it, I am just so thankful that I am there and learn to be better. When thing happened, you either linger in the past or move forward. You either be better or worst. Always pray you will have the strength to move forward and become better…

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