05 October 2012

My Bride...

I am already at that age where everybody asks me when I will get married and shake their head with sadness when they know my age.

Some even said I am too choosy… Hmmmm…
Now my dear reader, don’t you think I should be a bit choosy? After all we are talking about committing yourself to a person for like your whole life. Who will be with you in happiness and sadness. When I am rich and when I am poor. When I am sick and healthy. From now until I am very old. Don’t you want someone with certain quality? The last person you see before you sleep and first person you see when you wake up. Your company and your partner.

I mean, you try to be quite choosy when you pick out candidates to work with you. At least if you are not happy with the person, you can fire him. Are you saying that I should divorce and marry a woman god knows many times in my life? I don’t think you will want your children to marry just anybody on the street, so please don’t say that to me as well.

When the time comes, I will marry that lady of my life…

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