02 July 2008

At last...

I did it… At long last, I am looking at the end of my journey as a university student… It had been a long and difficult journey for me, somebody who really had to struggle to stay on his feet…

There was a time where I was successful academically and was known by many for that… There was also a time where I was the worst student academically, barely passed his courses, struggling to maintain his marks… I had felt success and failure…

If I was able to turn back the time, I do wish I can be the best student always, not for my sake, but for my parents sake. I do not mind if people around me say that I am stupid but the look of disappointment from parents is like looking at the end of the world…

Whatever had happened is now history… A new story is going to be written and I do hope it will be a good one…

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