23 August 2013

Business from home! Shaklee Miri!

Dear whoever read this,

I have now joined this MLM under SHAKLEE. It is a starting for me in the world of business as well as a jump start for me to work on my own.

shaklee sarawak

Shaklee my dear reader had been around for quite some time now and the reason why we hardly hear its name is because this company is one of the company that believe in using the money used for marketing to be given to other people. Actually, Shaklee is one of the earliest companies to use the MLM concept to expand and reach out to others!

Its founder, Dr. Forrest C Shaklee wanted to make the world a better place by giving health to us through his product Vitalized Mineral (which later shortened to VITAMIN). He also believes that the proper use of his product is through word of mouth. One person teaching another person to properly optimize the usage of his Vitamins! Thus the Multi Level Marketing (MLM)was born!

Do drop by at my new blog below (which is in Malay language and I am now doing the English part so that I can share the Shaklee goodies with more people) to know more about SHAKLEE:

Within the Happiness

22 August 2013

Selamat Hari Raya! Eid Mubarak!


Sorry for the very late entry but it is still not too late to wish you all:

I took the poster my brother designed for my mother's association event. It is so lovely that I have to put it in my blog!