have to say this… I have greed for money. To have lots and lots of money. I was told that this is not healthy, this
greed of mine.
funny thing, even though they said money is not important and going after lots
of money is not good etc… At the end of the day, they end up asking for money.
is important to bind family ties closer but travelling to see them need money.
out, eating at home, buying food, doing groceries and treating guests need
I go to someone house without bringing anything, I was told that is not a good behavior
and I should bring something… That too
needs money.
there are functions such as weddings and funerals, when we attend them, we need
to give some token which is usually money.
does get pretty annoying whenever I express my wish to get more money and to be
shot down for that wish. Yet after that we will hear about bills to be paid,
taking over someone else car’s payment, saving up money, buying presents,
repairing house, buying stuff, getting new furniture, sending cats to vets and
so on… How can you say money is not important then? Every day we hear these
talks and when my wish for more money is surfaced, “Hush now boy, don’t get
consume by your greed.”
it wrong to wish for more money so that we can do more stuff? Or my greatest
dream is to have lots of money so that I spend more time doing stuff that I love. To me, money is a tool. I don’t mind if you don’t think money is not really that important or whatever
you want to say but when it comes to the time when money is needed, don’t look
at me and ask me to pay…