Their visit to my place mainly revolves around shopping and doing more shopping… We, my best friend, a girl who is destined to be an English teacher and me even conduct a test to see their level of shoppingness and from that test; they came out with the best score ever. We took them to a seven eleven outlet and if they remain in it for more than 5 minutes, they really love shopping. They spent a total 17 minutes 49 seconds in the outlet, longer than what we had expected nevertheless told us what they really love to do without squeaking a word.
A really good year for me, for I learn to get to know my blood relatives better…
A really good year for me, for this is one of the years in my twenty five years, six months, eight days, eighteen hours and seventeen minutes (stand correct at time this was written) I have been living on this Earth, I bought lots of cloth for myself. That is all thanks to my mother’s youngest brother and his wife, who I found out to be a jeans expert. She knows which jeans are good for you and what sort of colour or style fits you. I know only of this fact about her after five years married to my youngest uncle.
I bought myself shirts and trousers back in Malaysia. A casual batik shirt… Shirts I will wear for working and shirts for casual. Somehow I dislike t-shirt nowadays…
During my shopping here with my youngest uncle and his wife, we bought full suit, vest, t-shirts (I know, I said that I do not like t-shirts but I like dragons, and the t-shirts had dragons on it), shirt and few more t-shirts (Levi’s t-shirts courtesy of my aunty) and jeans (Levi’s jeans also courtesy of my aunty and let us not forget my youngest uncle too)… The first time ever I bought heaps of jeans at one time in the same receipt…

Now my wardrobe door can hardly be closed… I do not know about the other guys but I like shopping…
So you bought jeans, so what!?? Buy ME something then it's worth talking about. And get rid of the word verification. Annoying.
I bought GOOD jeans for your information. Not just any jeans. When you reach that age, you will not say that.
Buy YOU something worth talking is not worth it...
I am annoying and proud of it...
farid u have that word verification too. loserrrr :D
Thanks sister... Yeah... LoseRRRR! With Capital L!
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