23 September 2010

The Mystery of Missing Underwear

For the first time ever, I lost my underwear at the offshore. It is quite a puzzling quizzical matter actually. For I was very sure I did not put it into the laundry bag.

For you guys who have never been to the 5 stars hotel of the offshore, whatever you wear can be put into the laundry bag except for your underwear. For health reason they said…

Never ever put underwear into the laundry bag.


The laundry boys would not wash it and you have to hunt it down in the laundry room.

Most probably pile into a heap of other god forsaken wear.

I do remember perfectly that I did not put the underwear into the laundry bag. Nor did I bring it to the toilet to be washed.

Hmmmm... Mysteriously puzzling I would say...

Usually I would wait till I have two pieces of underwear before I washed them.

Anyway, I searched high and low for it. Just to be sure, I even searched the platform…

I am pretty sure the fishes have no need of undergarments…

Because of this unfortunate turn of event, I had to wash my underwear every day.

Next time, whenever I go offshore, I will bring spares just in case this sort of thing happens again.

And seriously, it is time for me to get extra underwear..

picture taken from cartoon express


xxx said...

hurm.. u're underwear might have been to sexy to resist! ;p

DarkAsclepius said...

I think that is probably the best logical explanation we can come up with...