06 August 2008

Ed... Edjama... Edjamacated!

Today, I had learn a new word: edjamacated

I was not sure what it was at first so I asked my angmo friend what it means. Well, he called me with that word and I went, “errrrrr what is that?” The meaning of that word I wrote it here in my blog slightly altered from the original sentences because the angmo like to put in harsh words which are not nice for my young readers…


Edjamacated: to get qualification for whatever crap I know and get paid hell lots of money for that crap. Whatever crap I spit out will be paid handsomely.

You learn something new everyday…


Nadlique said...

Eh, how do I pronounce your blog address "darkerebus" ?

DarkAsclepius said...

Dark... Eeee... Ray... Boosssee!