Once in a while, I love to see my room in a mess… you know, just as if a tornado had paid a visit. Or after an elephants jumbo mumbo dumbo party… or as if the whole ninja clans had been fighting in my room leaving only the mess behind… or after the Ultraman had kicked the alien back into the space orbit… or maybe after a stupid electronics project of mine go haywire and somehow create huge mess instead of making my room cleaner…
Whatever it is, I love the mess… for a while and the satisfaction of putting things back in place and seeing my room back to its clean self…
The thing about my place is, there are just too much stuff. So, whatever I do, it'll still be in a mess. If I arrange anything, I'm just transforming a mess into another kind of mess.
Racks and shelves will always help you out my dear friend... Racks and shelves and maybe some boxes... Or even the green bin...
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