28 May 2008

The Nite of My Last Assignment... Hopefully forever...

At Last...

I have reach the point or I have come to the point in my life where I will say good bye to doing assignment, for the second time in my life... hmmmmm... second time?

If I include, my school time... I mean, homework is categorized under assignment... Just that the term homework is not cool for us in university... So... How many time have I said good bye to the world of assignment exactly? Think about it... I do not know...

Anyway, I truly hope I will be saying good bye to all the assignment stuff such as late nite working, rushing, asking around, copying, Red bulling, mid nite snacking (which is not that bad actually...), not enough sleeping... bla bla bla... well, you get the point...

Kind of sick and bored of that word already...


Sir Ashcroft said...

Bah, I reckon you'll find more assignments when you're working. No running away from assignments Mr. DarkErebus, you should know that by now.

It's like "muffin". Cake was given the name "muffin" so that people won't feel guilty eating it during breakfast.

Denial, that's what it is...

DarkAsclepius said...

A good point... but at least I get paid for all those assignment, if there are assignment in my future job... the last job I did, no assignment for the employee...